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Operator Awards

Recently, the Ridgeway County Transit Authority has hosted an internal Operator Awards event. Operators could choose and vote for whoever they want and who they feel should be rewarded for their hard work and effort.

The following events have won:

Event of the Year: Bus Racing

"Weirdest" Event: "Sights of Ridgeway" Tour

"Funniest" Event: Bus Racing

"Most Rewarding" Event: Easter Egg Hunt

"Most Engaging" Event: Bus Racing

Overall, Bus Racing seems to be one of the most popular events our department has ever hosted. Feedback is used from events and polls like these to determine the best events that we host in the Ridgeway County Transit Authority.

For the "Best of the Best", the following in the Road Operations Unit have won an award:

"Best" Road Operations Transit Operator: Mrcop_dude

"Best" Road Operations Senior Transit Operator: themasterroblock

"Best" Road Operations Head Transit Operator: AviatorCxxl

The following in the Instruction Unit have won an award:

"Best" Senior Instructor: SandyKay49

"Best" Instructor: maaIvin

The following in Human Resources have won an award:

"Best" Investigator: freejoshuaa

"Best" Media Planner: Trapazt

"Best" Transit Journalist: yovisc

The following in Transit Command have won an award:

"Best" Manager: RJView

"Best" Supervisor: NevPlaysGames

Overall, it seems that mostly Human Resources won awards this time. Congratulations to those who won the "Best of the Best" awards!

For the misc categories, the following people have won:

"Most Improved" Operator: freejoshuaa

"Funniest" Operator: JoaoIsHuman

"Most Dedicated" Operator: Demolizers

"Most Active" Operator: NevPlaysGames

"Most Caring" Operator: NevPlaysGames

Many of who have worked very hard got to win an award! We're proud of these operators, and those who didn't win an award for sticking with us and are still working hard, and look forward to many more events to come!

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